The RB5015HD is a specially engineered High Damped KynSHOT for the 9MM PCC application. Designed to work for 9MM applications with barrels 8” or greater, either suppressed or unsuppressed and with any type of ammo. The hydraulic fluid and seals are made to meet mil- spec requirements and have an ambient temperature operating range of -30oF to +150oF. The KynSHOT uses patented hydraulic shock absorption technology to dampen the impact of the bolt at the rear of its travel and to dampen the forward impact of the buffer’s weight as it chambers the next round. This buffers weight and length have been optimized for the 9MM application so that it runs reliably, softens recoil, smooths out the action, and stops just behind the bolt catch.
Bolt Weight: If your bolt has a weight in it, we recommend keeping the weight in the bolt. Removing the weight to get a lighter bolt is not recommended in blowback guns.
• Weight: 6.0 Ounces.
• Length when Compressed: 3.90”.
• Mil-Spec Hydraulic Fluids and Seals - Ambient operating temp certified for -30oF to +150oF
• High strength 17-4 Stainless Steel construction throughout the unit, making it virtually impervious to corrosion.
• Typically works best with JP .308 Carbine recoil spring or Sprinco Orange .308 Carbine recoil spring.
• This buffer is not recommended for use with lightened bolts or short stroke systems
Most current recoil systems utilize an undamped mass (tuned mass damper) to provide the necessary elements needed for the bolt carrier group to cycle. The problem is that none of the bolt carrier group’s or recoil spring’s stored energy are controlled which leads to instability, vibration, noise, and unpredictable operation.
This is where the patented KynSHOT™ recoil buffers provide the shooter a much more effective option. Please see the video above for a visual look at the energy absorption and functionality of the KynSHOT buffers. When the trigger is pulled, the bolt carrier group accelerates instantaneously from rest to a very high velocity. This change in momentum introduces the first mode of instability to the system. The KynSHOT buffers help mitigate this energy exchange by cushioning the velocity differential using the fundamental concepts of conservation of linear momentum. Additionally, as the bolt carrier group compresses the KynSHOT recoil system, a certain amount of energy gets stored in the internal recoil spring which is a function of the spring rate and the square of the displacement. As the compressed recoil spring drives the bolt carrier group forward into battery, the KynSHOT buffer absorbs that spring energy by controlling the last impact on the detent that would typically cause the muzzle and sights to jump. This is what separates the KynSHOT from all other buffer technologies. The KynSHOT buffer offers energy control and absorption while other buffer options re-introduce all that energy back into the system.
Taking an even deeper look into the rifle, the natural frequency of a spring-mass system is a function of the square root of the spring rate of the recoil spring divided by the mass. In an undamped system (like the H series buffers used today) the excitations associated with a given rate of fire cause a resonance effect with imbedded harmonics and high amplitude vibrations leading to weapon instability. This coupled with the undamped motion of the bolt carrier group make it very difficult to stay on target, causes system noise (twanging), and amplifies any recoil dynamics including sight vibrations, muzzle rise, excessive weapon wear, and excessive recoil.
The patented technology within the KynSHOT controls the harmonically excited vibrations associated with different rates of fire, clipping all the peaks at each natural frequency. By controlling these spring-mass vibrations and modal excitations, the KynSHOT generates a much smoother shooting experience.
In addition, unlike other self-contained closed loop hydraulic systems the KynSHOT buffers use our patented orificing and linearly proportional internal accumulation (thermal and mechanical) to prevent internal pressure spikes that could further exacerbate excitations and instability due to forced orifice flow. The KynSHOT technology smooths out the unit’s force vs. stroke curve, thereby eliminating other secondary forced excitations.
As a final precaution against induced vibration, the KynSHOT buffers contain a bumper, made of a proprietary elastomeric blend, that provides additional damping should the buffer contact the rear of the tube.